Saturday, March 21, 2009

Road trips are so much fun...

if you have more than an inch of free space for your legs, can eat something other than fast food and can sleep without one or both feet falling asleep. Argh. But it's the hotel bed instead of the backseat and snuggling with puppies that make the trip tolerable.

We had high hopes of getting on the road by late afternoon yesterday. But after many goodbyes at the house and a few along our way out of town, late afternoon turned into 8pm. We had hotel reservations at the pet friendly Sheraton-Arlington hotel and arrived around 1:30am. I was more than ready to crash... the boys, however, were ready to hot tub! Crazy boys.

The babies slept through the night, yay! This morning I took the girls on a walk while the boys hit up the gym! Post walk I gave the babies a bath in the hotel tub... one I didn't have to scrub!

It's now 6:10pm and we're in Kansas! My favorite part of the trip so far... Sasha the yorkipoo. Look at the picture below- can you tell which one isn't ours? We hardly could!

(sorry this post is dated! I'm trying to play catch up!)


  1. sasha is like the long lost cousin! How cute!

  2. haha, I know!!! She was so adorable and sweet and rolled over just like Stella so she could have her belly rubbed.
