Tuesday, March 26, 2013

10 months

It's March 17th.  You just turned 11 months old yesterday!  I don't know where the time goes, but I missed the 9 month post.  Forgive me!

It's incredible the leaps and bounds that you have made over the past two months.  You are now going from being on your tummy, to sitting, to crawling! You crawled for the first time on March 3rd but within a week you were officially on the move! I used to let you sleep in the big girl bed but now it's back to the Pack N Play since you flip yourself over and might crawl right off the bed!

We spent February with Gma and Gpa Chesnutt.  It was nice to have them around to help take care of you and to play with you.  You are pretty infatuated with the family bird, Sonny!  You reach our your sweet little pointer finger and grandma lets you touch his tail.  Unfortunately, Sonny isn't very friendly!

You love toys that make music and when music plays you clap your hands.  We sing the itsy-bitsy spider and patty-cake!  I've also started singing Happy Birthday to you so you know the song come your birthday!

You can say mama, dada but BEBE is your favorite.  You still like to sing, especially when we are in the car and you are getting sleepy.   You love to play with your hands and stare.  It is the sweetest thing ever. 

I'm working on planning your first birthday party now.  Incredible how I really did blink and here you are almost one!  I love watching you grow and learn and develop.  This week is particularly hard, though.  You are going through a major development leap and napping is the last thing you want to do.  You  never cry but the past 2 days you have cried when I try to put you down for a nap :(  Breaks my heart! But today you are sleeping soundly.  I am so thankful! Just two minutes later and you are up! :)

Oh I can't wait to scoop you up and snuggle you! xoxo

You are curious about everything now.  Whenever you see something new you point at it.  You are good at picking out which toys you want to play with and you can now feed yourself little cheerio snacks! You are a good eater.  I don't think you have rejected anything I've tried to give you.  You even take your vitamins like a champ.  My favorite is the face you make when you try something new- it's always a very sour face but after the first couple of bites the sour face goes away :)

You love getting rides on mommy and daddy's shoulders.  Bath time is becoming more and more fun.  Last night you were splashing up a storm!

We are at Grandma Colleen's house now. Yesterday we dressed you up in a Viking's outfit that she made.  It was so sweet!  We took pictures of you in it in the box that we got from the hospital.  It was a big blue box with yellow duckies on it.  I had hoped to keep it to store your toys in but after all of our moves it's pretty beat up.  But I'm happy I got a couple of photos of you in it!

Later today we are going to Grandpa Dale and Grandma Diane's house.  I think Great Uncle Lynne and Ladd will be there too.