Friday, September 18, 2009

They don't have apple picking in Texas.

When I was working as a youth director in San Antonio, I met with a fellow staff member to discuss ideas for youth activities for the fall. I immediately suggested apple picking and a hay-ride! The staff member replied to my idea with, "um, that sounds kinda gay." I wasn't sure whether I was more shocked by her choice of words or that she'd just completely dissed my idea!

Needless to say, we did not host apple picking or a hay-ride that year. But now that we're back in the midwest you bet I'm going apple-picking! My hubby and I ventured out to a nearby apple orchard today. We joined a group of chitter-chatter filled little ones and rode on the trolley tracker (it looked like a trolley but they called it a tractor) towards the acres of apple trees!

Matt and I wove in and out of the trees in search of only the most perfect apples. Mid-way through, in all seriousness, Matt said, "we aren't looking for average apples here." Ha! This man meant business!

Here are some very serious pictures of our apple-orchard outing.

filling up our 20lb apple bag!

the cute little country cottage that sold the most delicious apple cider we have ever had!

Yes! I found the perfect apple.

I love how this apple is sitting on the branch.   

show me the cheeziest smile you've got!

a perfectly pickable pair!

Our sweet lil apple bag is finally full!

 Taking a much needed break to sit with our lovely apples.

 I wanted to take this lil guy home with me!

apples anyone?

time for some apple crisp!

mmm... smells like autumn.

while i was waiting for the apple crisp to finish baking I had some fun with what I call "apple art"

big apple. little apple.

swirly mini apple.

decorator apples.

such artsy apples.

this isn't the best picture but at this point i was hungry!

this picture says it all.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! I especially like the black and white photo of the apple with the stem and leaves. I'd frame it.

    I have to agree that your old coworker's comment is a bit shocking. Not only a bit inappropriate coming from a church worker but how can they not like the idea of a hay ride and an apple orchard? What's wrong with them?

    What do Texans do for the fall then? Nothing, because there are no real seasons?
